The life
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The life

May 24, 2023

How long do you expect your house to last? Research estimates show that a modern residential building has a life expectancy of (on average) 60-75 years. However, there really can be no accurate measure because the components that comprise the overall unit can be repaired, replaced, or renovated. This is why, in many cases, the age of a home is not necessarily as relevant as is the condition of its major components.

A house can last for more than a hundred years, but it is likely that without major upgrades, it will no longer be functional, and aspects such as electrical wiring and plumbing would not be compliant. Even so, such homes take on an old-world charm or become retro-desirable, particularly if the siting of the property has some attractive architectural features or panoramic views and well-established gardens.

However, abandoning a home long enough or leaving it unoccupied for months on end will result in accelerated structural decline, such as mould or rot setting in, insect colony occupation, and climate damage. Interestingly, and this applies whether a house is 100 or 30 years old when occupied, it is not the number of occupants that causes hectic wear and tear but rather the age and type of occupants. For example, young families are harder on an interior vs more gentle senior residents (unless they are wheelchair dependent).

As time passes, you expect your home to be worth more than its purchase price, but a lot of that value will still depend on the overall condition of its features. Unless you do a home inspection every month or so to check on the condition of those and the appliances that require maintenance or replacement, you may not realise how much value is being lost. Over time, this can have a negative financial impact.

If you want to prepare ahead and budget for component or fixed feature replacement, repair or maintenance, this generic but handy guide will give you some idea of the life expectancy of many of the standard fittings/features in a home, as well as some of the appliances you use on a regular basis.

It does not account for any particular warranty or guarantee supplied by any manufacturer or installer. Neither does it account for things like tap washer or filter replacements, poor construction, or negligence. All quoted items’ lifespans are based on mid-range quality fitments or choices. This list is also based on the assumption that regular maintenance is being undertaken, that there are no insect infestations, rising damp, etc., but it does account for usual regular wear and tear.

The items listed above can assist you in having a better overview of the property's lifespan.

Writer : Kerry Dimmer

Writer : Kerry Dimmer